Night Guards

Custom Night Guards

Up To $2,000 Off Invisalign®

Free Consultations for New Patients

Emergency and Same-Day Appointments


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Protect Your Teeth While You Sleep

If you're experiencing discomfort while sleeping, a custom-made night guard might be just what you need. Orange Coast Cosmetic Dentistry - Long Beach can create a personalized night guard to fit your mouth perfectly. Whether you have TMJ disorder or simply grind your teeth at night, a night guard can help alleviate the problem and give you a more restful sleep. Don't suffer through another night of discomfort - talk to one of our dentists about getting a custom-made night guard.

Cash discounts are available for patients without insurance.

Call today (562) 267-3599 to schedule an appointment.

Learn More About Bruxism

Do you find yourself clenching or grinding your teeth while you sleep? This condition, called bruxism, can lead to various dental problems, including flat, chipped, loose, or fractured teeth, worn enamel, and more. A custom-made night guard can reposition your jaw and help prevent teeth clenching or grinding. 

It's worth noting that bruxism can also be a sign of sleep apnea, so discussing any symptoms with your doctor is essential. Some symptoms include tired or tight jaw muscles, facial or jaw pain, and temple headaches. While the exact cause of bruxism is unknown, it's thought to be a combination of genetic and physical factors. 

There are two types of bruxism: awake bruxism, which can be caused by stress or anxiety, and sleep bruxism, which is related to chewing while sleeping. Risk factors include anxiety, stress, prescription or over-the-counter medications, alcohol, and tobacco use. Other disorders, such as dementia, acid reflux, and Parkinson's, can also contribute to bruxism. 

While bruxism isn't usually associated with severe complications, it can cause tooth damage, tension headaches, and TMJ disorder. If you're experiencing any of these symptoms, discussing your options with a healthcare professional should be a priority.


Same-Day Appointments for Night Guards

Call today to schedule an appointment!

(562) 267-3599

(562) 267-3599

Dr. Beverly and the staff were very thorough about explaining the details of my teeth. Such a friendly staff, it’s the first time I have enjoyed going to the dentist.

Viviana L.

Learn More About Orange Coast Cosmetic Dentistry - Long Beach

Located at 925 East San Antonio Drive, Suite 14, Long Beach, CA 90807. Orange Coast Cosmetic Dentistry - Long Beach specializes in dental cleanings, cosmetic dentistry, orthodontics, and teeth whitening. Free consultations for new patients. Up to $2,000 off Invisalign®. Emergency and same-day appointments. Call for an appointment.

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